

D. Roberts, Making Things Move: DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists. McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics, 2010. [link to chapter resources, corrections, videos, etc.]

  • Translations available in 9 languages (Japanese, Portuguese, Korean, Chinese Long Form, Chinese Short Form, German, Spanish, Taiwanese)
  • Has been ranked in the top 10 on Amazon in several categories, and has been ranked #1 in Robotics and Mechanical Engineering
  • Available at all major retailers and some brick and mortar stores and instituitions including the Penn Bookstore and the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia


  1. D. Roberts and J. Buckley, “Case Study: Maker Space Management by Minions,” Advances in Engineering Education, May 2020. [link]
  2. D. Roberts, H. Hillstrom, and J. H. Kim, “Instantaneous metabolic cost of walking: Joint-space dynamic model with subject-specific energetic properties,” PLOS One, 11(12): e0168070, December 2016. [DOI]
  3. D. Roberts, J. Quacinella*, J. H. Kim, “Energy expenditure of a biped walking robot: Instantaneous and degree-of-freedom-based instrumentation with human gait implications,” Robotica, January 2016, pp. 1-18.
  4. J. H. Kim and D. Roberts, “A joint-space numerical model of metabolic energy expenditure for human multibody dynamic system,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 1-22, September 2015.
  5. J. H. Kim, D. Roberts, J. Meusch, and S. Rahmatalla, “Kinematic and kinetic evaluation of a throwing model using motion primitives,” International Journal of Robotics and Automation, vol. 30, no 1, pp. 1-12, 2015.
  6. D. Roberts, J. Poon*, D. Patrick*, and J. H. Kim, “Anthropometric robotic hand for pressurized glove torque measurement,” International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, vol 11, no. 2, pp. 1450018, June 2014.
  7. D. Roberts, H. Khan*, J. H. Kim, J. Slover, and P. S. Walker, “Acceleration-based joint stability parameters for total knee arthroplasty that correspond with patient-reported instability,” Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol. 227, no. 10, pp. 1104-1113, October 2013.
  8. T. Southern, D. Roberts, N. Moiseev, A. Ross, and J. H. Kim “Space suit glove design with advanced metacarpal phalangeal joints and robotic hand evaluation,” Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, vol. 84, no. 6, pp. 633-638, June 2013.
  9. K. Manal, D. Roberts, and T. S. Buchanan, “Can pennation angles be predicted from EMGs for the primary ankle plantar and dorsiflexors during isometric contractions?,” Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 2492–2497, August 2008.
  10. K. Manal, D. Roberts, and T. S. Buchanan, “Optimal pennation angle of the primary ankle plantar and dorsiflexors: variations with sex, contraction intensity, and limb,” Journal of Applied Biomechanics, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 255–263, November 2006.


  1. D. Haidir, D. Roberts, D. Faas, “What is ISAM?  Analyzing the past and future with ChatGPT”, International Society of Academic Makerspaces (ISAM) Conference, Sheffield, UK, September 11-13, 2024. (Paper Accepted)
  2. D. Roberts, R. Carpick, B. Lee, S. Lee, M. Johnson, W. Schlatterer, J. Singleton, “DEI Task Force Accomplishments: The DEI Scholars Program and its DEI Elective Option”, American Society of Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 2024. (Paper, Oral Presentation)
  3. D. Roberts, “Sustainability in Engineering Graphics and Bicycle-Powered Blenders”, American Society of Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 2024. (Paper, Oral Presentation)
  4. A. Schulz^, C. Anderson, C. Cooper, D. Roberts, J. Rosales, K. Lewis, S. Kumar, J. Rolf, N. Granda, “A Toolkit for Expanding Sustainability Engineering Utilizing Foundations of the Engineering for One Planet Initiative”, American Society of Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 2023. (Paper, Oral Presentation)
  5. D. Roberts^, J. Singleton, I. Bargatin, and R. Carpick, “Moving Towards Data-Driven Departmental DEI”, American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, June 2022. (Paper, Oral Presentation)
  6. D. Roberts^ and T. Caputo^, “Sustainable by design: Getting started with the EOP framework in design, engineering, and business classes”, VentureWell OPEN, Online, March 2022. (Paper, Panel)
  7. D. Roberts^, J. Singleton, R. Carpick, “A diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) task force within a mechanical engineering department”, American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Middle Atlantic Section Conference, Online, November 2021. (Paper, Oral Presentation)
    • Best Diversity Paper Award
  8. D. Roberts^ and R. Carpick, “A diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) task force within a mechanical engineering department”, American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA (moved online due to COVID-19), June 2021.
  9. A. Trauth, M. Headley, S. Grajeda, D. Roberts, and J. Buckley^, “Individual design experiences improve students’ self-efficacy on team-based engineering design projects”, in Proc. American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada (moved online due to COVID-19), June 2020. (Paper, Oral Presentation)
  10. D. Roberts^ and T. Ferrar^, “Sustainable senior design: MVP engine”, in Proc. American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, June 2019. (Paper, Oral presentation)
  11. D. Roberts^, J. Enszer, S. Rooney, A. Jayne, A. Novocin, and J. Atlas, “FLC E2T: A faculty learning community on effective (and efficient) teaching”, in Proc. American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, June 2019. (Paper, Oral presentation)
  12. J. Buckley^, S. Grajeda, A. Trauth, D. Roberts, “Gender and racial disparities in students’ self-confidence on team-based engineering design projects”, in Proc. American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, June 2019. (Paper, Oral presentation)
  13. J. Buckley^, S. Grajeda, A. Trauth, D. Roberts, “A novel framework for quantifying student self-confidence and task choice in engineering design-related activities”, in Proc. American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, June 2019. (Paper, Oral presentation)
  14. D. Roberts^ and T. Ferrar^, “Sustainable senior design: MVP engine”, at VentureWell OPEN Conference, Washington, D.C., March 2019. (Abstract, Oral presentation)
  15. D. Roberts^ and T. Stephens*, “Lessons learned in the labyrinth: Navigating campus resources to bring a student & faculty smart gardening startup to life”, in Proc. American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, June 2018. (Paper, Oral presentation, and Poster)
  16. K. Cobb^, D. Roberts, J. Silverman, D. Bhatt, “Mobile Up-Cycle Portable Research and Educational Outreach Unit,” in Proc. International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, November 2017. (Oral presentation)
  17. M. Hall* and D. Roberts, “Step4Life: Physical activity monitoring embedded in activewear,” Fashion and Media Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, October 2017.
  18. D. Andrews and D. Roberts, “Academic maker spaces: Contexts for research on interdisciplinary collaborative communication,” in Proc. ACM Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CA, August 2017. (Research paper)
  19. D. Roberts^ and D. Haidar, “Manipulation matters: Isolating the impact of lecture vs. lab experience in an undergraduate engineering controls class,” in Proc. American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, Columbus, OH, June 2017. (Paper, Oral presentation)
  20. D. Roberts^ and J. Buckley, “Case study: Maker space management by minions,” at VentureWell OPEN Conference, Washington, D.C., March 2017. (Abstract, Oral presentation)
    • VentureWell Dissemination Stipend award winner
  21. D. Roberts and J. Buckley^, “The role of a design studio in a mechanical engineering department,” in Proc. First International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces (ISAM), Boston, MA, November 2016. (Oral presentation)
  22. D. Roberts, M. Doolin*, D. Gu*, L. Li*, Y. Ni*, S. Williams*, K. Eastman, and S. Strickling, “Mechanical efficiency during stair climbing,” in Proc. American Society of Biomechanics Conference, Raleigh, NC, 2016. (Poster presentation)
  23. D. Roberts^ and J. Buckley, “The role of a design studio in a mechanical engineering department,” in Proc. American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2016. (Oral Presentation)
  24. D. Roberts^ and A. Borowski^*, “A revised undergraduate controls lab featuring exposure-based experiences,” in Proc. American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2016. (Oral Presentation)
  25. J. Buckley^, A. Trauth-Nare^, J. Stephens, S. Ilkhanipour Rooney, D. Roberts, “Student benefits of multidisciplinary versus single-disciplinary design experiences: A cohort study of a capstone design program,” in Proc. American Society for Engineering Educators (ASEE) Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2016. (Oral Presentation)
  26. N. C. Lavigne, C. Mouza, Z.R. Dagher, H. W. Mead, J. M. Buckley, L. L. Pollock, and D. Roberts, “Learning to teach engineering design by being a designer,” in Proc. American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C., 2016. (Poster Presentation)
  27. W. Peng*, D. Roberts, and J. H. Kim^, “Subject-specific dynamic model of instantaneous cost of transport with novel heat dissipation formulation,” in Proc. Dynamic Walking Conference, Columbus, OH, 2015. (Poster and Oral Presentation)
  28. D. Roberts, J. Quacinella*, and J. H. Kim^, “Degree-of-freedom-based instantaneous energetic cost of robotic biped gait with benchmarking implications,” in Proc. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Boston, MA, 2015.  (Oral presentation)
    • Freudenstein/General Motors Young Investigator’s Award
    • D. Roberts^, H. Hillstrom, and J. H. Kim, “Joint-space dynamic model of metabolic cost with subject-specific energetic parameters,” in Proc. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Buffalo, NY, 2014.  (Oral presentation)
      • Best Paper Award, ASME Advanced Modeling and Simulation Technical Committee

    • D. Roberts^ and J. H. Kim, “Joint-space metabolic energy expenditure model with maximum cocontraction bounds,” in Proc. World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, 2014.  (Poster presentation)
    • D. Roberts, H. Hillstrom, and J. H. Kim^, “Joint-space dynamic model for metabolic cost of walking,” in Proc. Dynamic Walking Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 2014.
    • D. Roberts^, A Setiawan*, and J. H. Kim “Predictive joint space model of human energy expenditure during gait,” in Proc. Dynamic Walking Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2013.  (Poster presentation)
    • D. Roberts^ and J. H. Kim, “A phenomenological human energy expenditure model in joint space,” in Proc. American Society of Biomechanics Conference, Gainesville, FL, 2012.  (Poster presentation)
    • D. Roberts^, H. Khan*, J. H. Kim, J. Slover, and P. S. Walker, “Evaluating knee stability after total knee arthroplasty using inertial measurement units,” in Proc. American Society of Biomechanics Conference, Gainesville, FL, 2012.  (Poster presentation)
    • L. Szajnberg^, D. Roberts, and D. Karlin, “Kinect abnormal involuntary motion assessment system: increased reliability of testing for tardive dyskinesia,” in Proc. American Society of Biomechanics Conference, Gainesville, FL, 2012.  (Poster presentation)
    • D. Roberts^ and J. H. Kim, “Predicting energy consumption in humans using joint space methods,” in Proc. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Chicago, IL, 2012.  (Oral presentation)
    • D. Roberts^ and J. H. Kim, “DC motor energetics in redundant manipulators with application to walking robots,” in Proc. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Chicago, IL, 2012. (Oral presentation)
    • D. Roberts^, J. Poon*, D. Patrick*, and J. H. Kim, “Testing pressurized spacesuit glove torque with an anthropomorphic robotic hand,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), St. Paul, MN, 2012. 
    • E. Mumm, D. Roberts, T. Kennedy, L. Carlson, M. Rutberg, and J. Ji, “Sample manipulation system for sample analysis at mars,” in Proc. AIAA SPACE Conference & Exposition, San Diego, CA, 2008.  (Oral presentation)
    • E. Mumm, D. Roberts, T. Kennedy, L. Carlson, M. Rutberg, and J. Ji, “Sample manipulation system for sample analysis at mars,” in Proc. 39th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium, Huntsville, AL, 2008.
    • G. Paulsen, K. Zacny, M. Maksymuk, J. Wilson, C. Santoro, P. Chu, K. Davis, D. Roberts, N. Kumar, and A. Kusack, “Rotary and rotary-percussive drilling of lunar simulant,” in Proc. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2008.
    • K. Zacny, K. Davis, G. Paulsen, D. Roberts, J. Wilson, and W. Hernandez, “Drill system development for the lunar subsurface exploration,” in Proc. 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Montreal, Canada, 2008. 
    • K. Zacny, M. Maksymuk, J. Wilson, C. Santoro, P. Chu, G. Paulsen, M. Passaretti, D. Roberts, A. Kusack, and N. Kumar, “Rotary percussive drilling in a vacuum chamber: a test bed for lunar and mars drilling,” in Proc. Joint Annual Meeting of LEAG-ICEUM-SRR, Cape Canaveral, FL, 2008. 
    • D. Roberts^ and T. S. Buchanan, “Relationship of muscle fiber pennation angle to EMG and joint moment during graded isometric contractions using ultrasound imaging,” in Proc.American Society of Biomechanics Conference, Portland, OR, 2004.  (Poster presentation)