I’d like to share some tips along the lines of Matt Might‘s posts, where he shares his insights on topics like travel, weight lifting, productivity, etc. that have helped me quite a bit. I’m well into the last year of
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Money management for grown-ups
I started really learning about money a bit late in life, around 27, when a good friend loaned me a copy of Smart Women Finish Rich. I was making plenty of money at the time but was many thousands of
Continue readingthe tell-tale heart… pumpkin
Halloween is a great time for some nerdy fun. Last week I got this awesome open source hardware pulse sensor for Arduino. Then I realized pumpkin hacking was coming up at my hackerspace, NYC Resistor. I remembered some creepy Edgar
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I’ve been whining about wanting to learn GitHub for a while now so after they just released a shiny new Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI), I figured it was time to jump on board. Everyone I know who uses Git
Continue readingWriter’s Block
I love this tweet so much I wanted to save it to refer to and share: Like many writers, I have rituals. Before writing, I pour coffee, open the window by my desk, and attempt to read the entire internet.
Continue readingLamest 1 in 1 ever: Multiple PC Cleanup
So I’m teaching and participating in ITP Camp this month, and one thing on the schedule for today is a 1 in 1: Start and complete a creative project in 24 hours (you don’t need to work on it through
Continue readingHacking the MET
In a nice departure from a normal week day, I got to accompany the Makerbot team to the Metropolitan Museum of Art yesterday for their “3-D Scanning and Printing Hackathon” event. We used 123D Catch to grab scans of some
Continue readingHigh resolution Arduino map function
In my last post, I talked about sensing the current of the motors in a robotic arm, which was a necessary step in determining energy consumption for the robot. But in order to calculate the energy being used by each
Continue readingSignal vs. Noise for Arduino Robotics
So after some comments on my last post, some great comments on my Adafruit forum post about the actual robotic arm project I’m working on, some help from Twitter followers and some awesome fellow NYC Resistors, I realized there were
Continue readingArduino data logging and speed test
I’ve been working on a robotics project for a while* that requires me to log data from various analog sensors, and I’ve been doing it all with an Arduino so far. The objective is to basically use the Arduino as
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