This page catalogs mentions of projects I’ve done and other stuff I’ve been involved in.
- Dustyn’s Robots: Science & the City series podcast, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, 2012.
- Cast Member, “Battle of the Geeks” pilot show, filmed in Namibia, Africa, May 2012. BBC Science (co-sponsors: Discovery Channel and National Geographic)
Cable: The alumni magazine of NYU-Poly: a short mention of my book and transition studying at NYU-Poly
Alibre Design press release through Thomas PR: I spent a little bit of my time at World Maker Faire 2010 at the Alibre Design booth to discuss how I used their software in my work
SADbot got picked up by a few blogs like this (Robot Living) and this (gizmowatch)
IEEE Spectrum: Courtney Boyd Myers, who writes for IEEE Spectrum’s automaton blog, interviewed Ben Leduc-Mills and I about SADbot for this post
True/Slant: Another piece by Courtney Boyd Myers (aka Robot Girl) about SADbot.
NASA Tech Briefs, February 2010. Some work I did on a lunar dust tolerant connector while at Honeybee Robotics was written up in February’s NASA Tech Briefs publication here
Experience Life Magazine: Quoted in article You Belong: A Rookie’s Guide to Health-Club Confidence
WFMU: The Solar Mobile Charging Unit I helped my industrial designer friend Elliott Montgomery design and build attracted attention from WFMU. DJ Trent Wolbe came up with the idea along with the Solar One staff, and broadcast his Sound and Safe radio show wirelessly from the units on May 18, 2009. Check out Solar1’s post on the event here. It was also posted by Eco Friendly Mag.
Time Out New York: Time Out New York covered a “Robots for Beginners” class I co-created and co-taught with friend and former coworker Larry Parrington at Robot Village. You can see the article here, or dig up your old January 11-17, 2007 issue and turn to page 54. The article is called Circuit City: Robots are taking over New York—and we couldn’t be happier (written by Dan Avery).