I found out this past Thursday that I’m one of 11 finalists short listed for the residency program at Eyebeam! Tomorrow I go to a group interview with 3 other applicants to do a recap of my proposal, and answer any questions from the staff and senior fellows. The residency program runs from March 1st through July 31st, and will give me a chance to use Eyebeam’s resources (3D printer, laser cutter, open studio) to help make project kits to complement the book I’m writing: Making Things Move: DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists. They plan to make a decision by the end of next week, and will accept about 5 of the 11 short-listed applicants. I’m honored to have made it this far in the process out of an estimated 200 applicants, and will hopefully have more good news to report at the end of the week!
One of 11 finalists for Eyebeam’s residency
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