In a nice departure from a normal week day, I got to accompany the Makerbot team to the Metropolitan Museum of Art yesterday for their “3-D Scanning and Printing Hackathon” event.
We used 123D Catch to grab scans of some of the sculptures, cleaned them up, then uploaded models to Thingiverse and printed some out on Replicators both at the Museum and back at the Botcave in Brooklyn. Here’s a screenshot of a 123D Catch of a sculpture I shot called Queen Marie-Amelie that was printing out when I left the museum yesterday:
Thanks to Jonathan (former Makerbot Artist-In-Residence) for taking the scan and cleaning it up to make an .stl file for printing! Can’t wait to see how it turns out. The Makerbot team is still there wrapping up, so make sure to check out their blog, Thingiverse, etc. for all the updates.