I got an email today that started:
greetings Dustyn,
where to begin? I’ve been a fan for some time but honestly think I’ve only ever seen-in-person a solar charging station. I have yet to encounter your work at Eyebeam, but I hope your residency is going well.
I can’t think of a better way to catch someone’s attention! The email was from Nick Normal, who formally offered me an invitation to participate in the upcoming World Maker Faire he is co-organizing that will be held at the New York Hall of Science in Queens this September 25th and 26th. I was going to propose something anyway after attending the original Maker Faire in San Francisco for the first time this year, but it was certainly nice to get formally invited. If nothing else, it means that I’m internet famous enough to be on his radar somehow. Which is excellent, because we’ve never met.