These are mostly notes for a discussion section I’m leading at ITP Camp, but I thought gathering them with links here would be useful.
James Dyson Award
–What they’re looking for:
* demonstrates a significant and practical purpose, offering real benefits to the end user
* is ideally a working prototype
* is designed with sustainability in mind
* is commercially viable
How to come up with the next best thing…
1) Start – Now
Ignore the lizard
2) Find the Product Opportunity Gap (POG)
Become USER driven, not TECHNOLOGY driven
-story of the alarm clock
Where OXO is positioned – with help from Smart Design
Find the pain, brainstorm a solution.
Brainstorming techniques:
Individual vs. Group
Generate as many ideas as possible
Narrow down your idea… weighted matrix
3) Get your $hit together
Learn what you need to know, or assemble a team of people who already know it. It helps to be T-shaped and recruit T-shaped people.
That’s where ITP Camp comes in!
Follow Your Pez Dispenser
Practice Your Pitch
*A lot of these notes are from Creating Breakthrough Products. Here’s a link to the book website and where you can buy the book