Where: Leon Root, MD Motion Analysis Laboratory at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City
Who: Healthy subjects age 20-45 with no injuries in the past 6 months that affect walking. You must be able to walk independently for at least 30 minutes. You must also routinely engage in at least 20 minutes of any aerobic activity (walking, active commuting, bicycling, jogging, swimming, etc.) twice a week. You must not be pregnant, be a professional athlete, or have an illness that affects metabolism (thyroid issues, diabetes, etc.).
When: You will visit the lab once for approximately 2 ½ hours.
What: During your visit to the lab, your walking motion will be collected using motion analysis cameras and your energy expenditure will be measured using a machine that evaluates the air you breathe while you’re walking on a treadmill.
It is not known how general motion contributes to energy expenditure. The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a model of energy expenditure during walking, a commonly studied activity, that can be extended in the future to more general motions.
You will receive $50 at the end of the study visit.
Why: To help me with my PhD dissertation work!
If interested, please contact me by email at dustyn@nyu.edu or by phone at 201-452-1583.
I’ll help, if I can come in on the weekend. Hope you are well! 🙂
Thanks! Sorry but it’s week days only.
When does this study run until? I’d love to participate if it falls on a week that I’m not terribly busy.
Great! We are finalizing the details we need to bring subjects in right now, and it will run until we have 5 male and 5 female subjects successfully through the study (hopefully by the end of May). Sessions will happen between 9am and 5pm Monday through Friday. Basically when I’m alerted that the lab has an opening, I’ll email my list of volunteers and we’ll fill the time slot based on first reply. If you have any other questions, let me know!